
"Best of everything" in just one app - films & series, music, sports, cloud games and audio books. Live channels also ensure entertainment around the clock. This is Cliq. Streaming without limits, for the whole family.
Cliq also means: Big entertainment for a small price. Your Cliq subscription only costs €6.99 per month. In return, you get unrestricted access to the “best of everything”: no matter when, no matter where!

- Movies & TV: Hollywood blockbusters, award-winning independent films and a variety of rousing hit series - just grab the popcorn and start enjoying
- Music: pop, hits or rock - a playlist for every genre, concerts by world stars and hits for the little ones
- Sports: football, motorsport or eSports - join in the excitement at live sports events and don't miss any of your team's highlights
- Games: Play with well-known Disney characters, solve puzzles or really step on the gas in the fast lane - just gamble without end!
- Audio books: detective stories, non-fiction books and audio book hits for kids - here you will find the right story for everyone.

So go ahead: download the Cliq app and start streaming right away!

CLIQ Gutscheine und Rabatte Mai 2024

Step 1
Suche als Erstes den für dich passenden Gutschein aus unserer Liste oben aus.
Step 2
Klicke auf den Gutschein, um den Code zu sehen.
Step 3
Kopiere ihn, damit du ihn später im Onlineshop von Cliq anwenden kannst.
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